Focus on Music

Hey Blog! My first “Focus on” week.

Music is a diverse subject. It contains history (looking at & listening to old instruments and music), geography (finding out about where composers come from), maths (time values), and finger skills. It also can help with concentration and calming down.

I play the piano, an instrument designed c.1700. Before the piano, there were no keyboard instruments which sounded louder/softer depending on how hard you pressed the keys. I am currently playing pieces out of “The best of grade 2” and “Piano Misterioso” books.  I started learning in 2018 and I haven’t stopped since! I like fast, lively, and exciting pieces. I have lessons once a week with an excellent teacher and usually practice five days a week, though I’m actually meant to practise six…

In terms of listening, I like listening to Classic FM radio in the car while we are driving somewhere; they do some good pieces on there!