I made a Yule bLog!

Hey Blog! I’ve been doing baking this week, and I thought I’d share it with you.

It’s CHRISTMAS! One week to Christmas Eve, so this is my second last post before Christmas, and I’ve been doing some baking to celebrate the festive season. Biscuits were first on my agenda.

For the biscuits, I used a recipe from an old book that used to be my Mum’s. The main recipe is: breadcrumb the butter, flour and baking powder, then add ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon and golden syrup. Next, knead into a ball, roll and cut. The picture of the finished product is below.

The other bit of baking is the one mentioned in the title – a chocolate Yule Log, its wooden counterpart is mentioned in the carol “Deck the Halls”. This one differed from that by being very tasty, and having gold stars sprinkled on it! Yule was the pagan celebration of midwinter, and is still remembered in Scandinavia as “God Jul” – Merry Christmas! The picture is also below.

Chocolate log!

Last week I said that I still had another Nutcracker project to do and I would include it next week. Well, I haven’t finished it, as the clay it’s made from took a long time to dry, but it’s a water-lily flower-inspired clay candle-holder, yet to be painted…