Kit’s invent(ed) stuff

Hey Blog! You won’t believe what happened this week.

It all started on Wednesday evening when Dad put Kids Invent Stuff on the telly through his phone. I had sent in an invention about a month ago, but we had never received an email telling us I’d won. However, after a few seconds, I realised I had!!!

Kids Invent Stuff is a YouTube channel where the presenters build some utterly CRAZY kids’ invention ideas – you send in an invention and they choose one to build. Anyone aged 4 to 11 can enter an invention, so here is the link: Every month there is an invention challenge, and at the end they decide which one to make. Previous inventions include a custard-firing superhero suit, a motorised survival zorb, a jellybean-pooping rainbow unicorn, and a princess tower-trap escaping crossbow-powered zip line.

My Kids Invent Stuff invention was a human-sized bird feeder that has perches to sit on, and a hamper inside to put food in. I thought of this some time ago as an invention to use for having a picnic. We like having picnics in the summer but sometimes finding a place to sit is a little bit tricky, so with the human feeder you just need a tree to hang it up in.

The original design: The Human Feeder

When Kids Invent Stuff made my invention, the biggest difference was that instead of a picnic hamper, they used the human equivalent of bird food: pick ’n’ mix sweets! They also painted the human feeder purple and added cushions to the seats. These ideas are super especially if you were going to hang it permanently in a park. Here is the link to watch the Kids Invent Stuff video:

Other things I have invented include a new rocket fuel, and I have an idea for a robot that clears up after your dog, but neither is probably quite as successful as my human feeder.

One day, I would like to build my own human feeder. I’d probably have a compartment for a picnic hamper so that we could have cheese, pickles, sandwiches and cake (and rum punch, for the grown-ups of course), and I would include several bags of sweets, too. It would be awesome if I could invite Ruth and Shawn the engineers from Kids Invent Stuff to help me test it out.