Facts and enviromental problems

Hey Blog! Just a short one this week, partially as there is another one coming today and partially as this small post has a big topic to think about – get ready to dive into the biggest issue humanity is facing at the moment: the environment!

To start with, a few facts: There are just over 8 billion humans on the planet currently. That’s just one species. You’re probably one (unless you’re a fully independent robot, cyborg, other intelligent primate, alien, or any other proven or unproven creature – in which case, please tell some scientists!), one of 8,000,000,000 individuals. Insects, on the other hand, make up 80% of all known species on earth. An estimated two-thirds of all moth species are unknown to science, (and many other different types of animals still have entire other unknown branches of the family tree) yet the weight of all the chickens on the globe outweighs all the other bird species combined. These may sound completely unrelated, but they are all in my opinion stupid facts that should not be true. If we don’t value nature enough to give it the capacity and space that it needs to survive, it will be like what I heard on the radio today – not the “enough soup to break the universe”, but enough biomass of chickens to cause a mass extinction!

I also think that climate change is one of the, if not the most important problem we’re facing at the moment. This is because the climate is something that will last as long as the earth, and we are not. Therefore, as humans, we have a duty to put the future first, so that what comes after us will also be able to enjoy this planet. We should not be power-hungry nitwits who only care about themselves, we should be kind, sensible and considerate to all that come during and after us in the history of Earth (another fun fact – ding ding – notice I said just Earth there? NASA says we should call our planet “Earth” rather than “the Earth”: I don’t think you say “the Mars”, do you!). I myself think that there should be a Chivalric revival: it’s a pity it went out of fashion, as it told people how to behave properly, though you might think totally differently!

So, there you are, some things to think about. I would say “please send your comments in to tell me what you think”, but unfortunately, I can’t. However, you can think about them on your own, and try to prevent the earth becoming a second, rather unbeautiful Venus!