Hey Blog! It seems to be Christmas Quiz Year – I’ve done five so far: one with the family, one with the Scout Group, one at a friend’s Christmas party, and two with my Humanatees tutor, Jake. Here is my view of the quizzes – and a few facts.
Quiz No. 1 – the Bailey Family Christmas Quiz. Each contestant choses a topic and writes ten questions (in my case, the last few during the interval to get crisps and snowball cocktails), and then run the quiz. It’s very fun. Previous rounds have included Christmas Carrols, Christmas landscapes, and Christmas traditions. This year we had rounds on Cars, Christmas babies, and Christmas literature. My round this year was on Christmas Trees – including questions on how many Christmas trees are sold by the British Christmas Tree Growers’ Association (8-10 million); the type of wood used to light a yule log (a piece of last year’s log!); and why young ladies had to be careful passing under decorations at yule (they might get kissed randomly if someone caught them under mistletoe)!
Quiz No. 2 – Party Quiz. This was at a friend’s Christmas party. It had been adapted from a 100-question quiz to a 50-question quiz, and was quite tricky. There was a parents’ team, a children’s team, and an 18-year-olds team, of which I, of course, was in the children’s team. It was a little like a game of Chinese whispers, as we had to pass answers along to the person writing the answers – two games in one! The evening was most entertaining.
Quiz No. 3 – Scouts Quiz. All scouts tried to answer various questions, such as cryptic clue for a sweet, “Capture reward” – that, of course, meant Bounty. Or where did the quote “Merry Christmas, you filthy animal” come from? (Home Alone).
Quiz No. 4 – Solstice Quiz. This was my Humanatees tutor’s annual quiz on topics of the year, featuring Geography, a higher-or-lower statistics round; History, a before-or-after dates round; Marine Science, the fish-or-not-fish picture round; the Bumble Rap, where he dressed up in a bee costume and buzzed to a background track – and we had to guess what he was buzzing; and finally Mythology, featuring a troll-or-turkey picture round. It is always hilarious (especially the Bumble Rap!).
Quiz No. 5 – EM Quiz. Also run by the same person as the last quiz, there were two parts to this one: a Christmas songs quiz and an EM quiz. I did not win either of these. I came fifth in one, and didn’t even make it to the podium on the other. Apparently I’m not that good at recognising songs.
And now, a quiz for you! On what I’ve done this year. (Answers in the next post).
1. What is the name of the protagonist in the first book I reviewed this year?
2. What was the theme of my murder mystery birthday party?
3. Which device to hammer sunflower seeds did I create for a birdfeeder making day?
4. Who was I in the drama sketch, and who painted the painting I was in?
5. How many skips did I manage to get while skimming stones on Orkney?
6. Which digging tool of my own did I bring, but didn’t use, at an archaeological dig?
7. What glowing object did I have to touch to teleport home in my first D&D game?
8. I worked on one of the sails at our local windmill, but how many sails has the windmill got?
9. How many levels of Bikeability have I completed?
10. What is the name of the vineyard I helped with the harvest at?
11. The seed pods of what plant links two posts in October?
12. How many alethiometers exist in Lyra’s world?
13. Which knot did I intend to use to prank trick or treaters?
14. Mum’s old maths teacher said what in referral to physics?
15. What is the Home Ed in a Shed café rating for local restaurant Bridge House?
Answers coming in the next post! See you then.