Dangerous Blog for Boys

Hey Blog! It’s time again for the next book review – and this one is a very good book!

The Dangerous Book for Boys is a great book. It has tons of information, tales, instructions and paragraphs on various subjects; for instance, how to build a tree house, or the different types of fossils; tales of how battles were won or how to tie a good knot. Generally awesome. It’s a bit difficult to describe, as it doesn’t follow one premise or topic; it extends far beyond that and goes to dozens of topics and ideas – “the perfect book for every boy from eight to eighty”, it claims to be, and I think it does the job. It has so much stuff – that is part of its beauty – it details so many different things that you can look through it for almost everything. It is a generic reference book for all boys who are looking for an answer. If you want to recall an interesting fact about the correct definitions of an indefinite article, or who the king of England was in such-and-such a year, just open the book and it will probably be in there. Codes, Shakespeare quotes, star maps, how to play anything between poker and cricket – this book has it all.

It seriously gives you almost everything. I have found it a help many times, for all sorts of questions, and sometimes continue to do so. But this is not the end of it – there were a few things the authors missed. So the Double Dangerous Book for Boys came into being, with everything that they had thought of in the meantime. What more can I say? It’s equal in the highest standard, and both share an honoured place on my shelf.

Of course, it wouldn’t be a traditional HEIAS book review with out the customary sentence – if you want to truly understand how good it is, READ THE BOOK!!! And the Double! All I can hope is that the Deca-dangerous Book for Boys comes out in a few years. I will be reading it!

And as for my female readers (as I’m sure c.50% are), I believe there is a similar book – but I’m not a girl, I don’t have the book, and therefore can’t review it. Maybe start your own blog?!