Hey Blog! Very short post today. This week I’ve been catching up on science, so I thought I’d tell you about it!
As you probably know, I was in France a couple of weeks ago. This meant that I missed a few science classes I’m doing, so I have had to catch them up. I haven’t quite finished, however, I have done some things, so I’ll tell you what I’ve done.
There are traditionally three disciplines of science: Biology (the study of living things), Chemistry (the study of chemicals and substances), and Physics (the study of physical forms and forces). I think it would be better if they were taught together, as each contributes to the others. I have been learning all three, with a programme I have recently discovered, called South West Science. It is an amazing platform which gives a good coverage of iGCSE science, which I plan to take in 2026. I have covered seven weeks already, but I’m still catching up assignments from earlier weeks. (That reminds me – I need to do that assignment for week 6 that’s still on my desk!) however, from what I have done with it, it is absolutely amazing! It is comprehensive, concise, detailed, and fun. However, my favourite kind of science is practical: the experiments, the doing, and the use in real-life situations. I use it in woodturning, in making things, in my shed, and in climbing trees (though I don’t have to think about it when I’m half-way up a tree!). Sometimes I am in the middle of an activity and suddenly start thinking about the transitions between forms of energy, or I might be chatting with friends and suddenly come out with a random fact which links tenuously to something someone mentioned. This is why I am known, besides KitKat, as The Encyclopaedia. Yes, I love science!